#mortal kombat | undertale-anomaly20 (2024)

The five of them take in the battle occurring around them.

"When have we arrived?"Shang Tsung questioned "Immediately after the time merger, yes? The battle between Kotal and Shao Kahn?" Fujin said "Definitely not" (Name) answered looking around. Nightwolf stares into the distance and points, placing a hand on Shang Tsung's shoulder as he does so "No. Look!"

The camera cuts to see from his point of view. He has spotted Jade picking the lock of the stock holding Kotal. After a moment, she finishes and helps him to throw the stock off. She then turns to intercept a sword strike from a Shao Kahn loyalist, punching him across the face, kicking him in the knee, and knocking him over with a roundhouse kick. Behind her, Kotal punches a soldier across the face, drills his fist into his stomach, then turns his back and throws the soldier over his shoulder, slamming him hard into the ground.

"It's much later than that. This is Kitana's battle with Shao Kahn" He says "Remind me to Kick Liu Kang in the ass after this" (Name) said annoyed as she holds Calithea closer to her. Fujin moves closer to (Name) to help cover Calithea more "Then we are almost out of time. We must escape quickly" Said Shang Tsung. He points over to a nearby open trap door, leading down to the fighting pits beneath the Koliseum "Changing this battle's outcome could cause Cetrion to claim the crown earlier than expected" He says "And guarantee our failure" Said Fujin "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Said (Name)

The four of them run off to the trap door. As they approach, a nearby Shao Kahn soldier slams his sword through the skull of a Tarkatan, killing him, but the soldier does not look over to the trap door, which they reach without impediment.

The scene cuts to the Kollector, who is fighting with a Kotal loyalist. He parries several sword strikes from the soldier with his flail, then counters with several slashes across the leg, chest, and back with the knives held by three of his four main arms. With the soldier stunned, Kollector holds up his flail and magically shoots it outward, exploding the soldier's head in a violently gory display.

Kollector looks around the battle just in time to spot Nightwolf entering the trap door, followed closely by Shang Tsung and Fujin. His eyes widen as he recognizes the scheming sorcerer and his look turns to shock seeing (Name) going into the trap door with Calithea, who bears a striking resemblance to Mileena. Another Kotal loyalist attempts to stab him from behind, but Kollector shanks him through the top of his head without even turning to face him. He pulls out his knife and snarls menacingly, walking toward the trap door.

The scene cuts to the interior below the Koliseum. Shang Tsung, Fujin, (Name), and Nightwolf walk through the hallways lined with prison cages. As they walk past one, they are suddenly started as an Outworld beast - a creature resembling a giant rat but with the jaw of a saber-toothed tiger - rushes at them, slamming into the cage bars. It screeches and claws in an attempt to maul them, but cannot get past the metal in its way. Calithea giggles and smiles at them having seen them many times. After taking a moment, the three continue on, with Shang Tsung crushing a smaller rat underneath his boot.

"We escaped the battle undetected," He said confidently. Unbeknownst to them, Kollector sneaks up from behind "Shang Tsung!" All of them whirl around at his voice, getting into fighting stances.

"Or not" Commented Fujin "Where have you been hiding? You consort with Earthrealmers now?" Kollector accused "His business is none of yours, Kollector" Nightwolf said "My business is collecting what Shao Kahn wants" He pointed toward Shang Tsung and then to Calithea "He will pay handsomely for you and…for his grandchild" (Name) glares "You'll keep your damn hands away from her" She growled.

Shang Tsung briefly smirks, but also readies his soul magic. Nightwolf steps in front of him "You're outnumbered, Kollector" He said.

"Am I?" Said Kollector.

He snaps his fingers, letting loose a burst of blue magic. Behind them, the prison doors are opened with the same magic and two giant rats emerge from them. They roar out loud and leap into the air. As they approach, Nightwolf rolls to the side and the rats go for Fujin and Shang Tsung, forcing them to backpedal.

(Name) dodges the beasts as best she can while holding Calithea. (Name) used one hand to secure her and the other to throw fire at the beasts.

Nightwolf looks up to see Kollector hurling his flail towards him and he rolls out of the way in the nick of time, the heavy weapon slamming into the sand beneath him. Kollector recalls the retractable flail back to his grip and faces Nightwolf down "These are indeed strange days. How do Earthrealmers profit from protecting Shang Tsung?" He questioned "He shares our goal: Kronika's defeat" answered Nightwolf.

"You will be partners in death!"

They fight. The Naknada proves to be a most unorthodox opponent for the Native Americans, and his numerous weapons and magical abilities prove to be a challenge in Kombat. But Nightwolf has his own weapons, magic, and fighting skills on top of that, all of which he bears against Kollector. After a fierce melee, Nightwolf eventually triumphs.

"Thank you, Great Spirit"

As that battle finishes, Fujin catches one of the beasts in a tunnel of wind that not only spins it around but peels the skin right off it. As the beast falls dead, the second onestalks toward (Name), Fujin and Shang Tsung. It leaps straight into a tornado from Fujin that levitates it into the air. Fujin disperses the wind for a moment to allow the beast to fall to the ground, then summons it immediately after to pin it down. As the beast struggles, Shang Tsung and (Name) charge their hands with fire and unleash a flamethrower blast that roasts the beast in an instant.

Shang Tsung takes a moment to smirk in triumph and looks at (Name) "Nicely done" He says surprising (Name) who shifts Calithea in her arms "Oh! uh, thanks. You too" She says. Shang Tsung then looks overhead. Above them, sand falls, a loud gasp emanates from the crowd, and the sounds of battle start to die down.

"Kitana has defeated Shao Kahn," Says Nightwolf "He always had more ego than skill," Says Shang Tsung, and (Name) laughs "On that, we can agree," She says smirking "Come. Let us leave while the crowd is distracted"

The four of them turn around and head toward the exit.

The scene cuts to the outside of the Koliseum, by a roadside some distance away. Nightwolf and Fujin are in a heated discussion, while Shang Tsung sits in the shade of a nearby tree. Katlyn is, reluctantly, sitting next to him with Calithea sleeping in her lap.

"No. We're already here later than we wanted to be" Says Nightwolf. He turns to Tsung and points at him "Let's go to your island now and take the crown. No detours!"

"Our rather public arrival at the Koliseum makes that impossible. Kronika's Outworld allies will inform her of our presence. Go to my island now, we could be ambushed by Cetrion herself" Shang Tsung replied "And our combined power won't stop her. We need help" Said Fujin "But whose help?! We can't recruit any of our allies without altering this timeline's events" Said Nightwolf.

Fujin walks away, unable to answer. Shang Tsung stands up, grinning to himself for a moment, before giving Nightwolf a sly sideways glance.


Upon hearing her name, (Name) flinches and Nightwolf's eyes narrow.

"Sindel's a revenant," Nightwolf says "Who can be restored to life. And who plays no major part in the battles that lie ahead. We can safely recruit her without disrupting events" Shang Tsung replies and he clasps his hands together "It's a tactic Kronika is unlikely to anticipate"

Fujin walks back toward him "She was Shao Kahn's Empress, his equal in evil" Fujin said "Because he had her bewitched. Returning Sindel to life will restore her original, more heroic self" Shang Tsung stated, "Is it… our only option?" She asked "I'm Just saying I killed her when I was 18 and nowhere near as experienced at fighting as I am now"

"She will be more power we need to assure victory against Cetrion. Sindel is key"

Shang turns his back on them, one hand behind his back, the other lifted in contemplation.

(Name) takes a few moments to think before sighing "She…She won't remember me…Will she?" She asks "She will remember everything from when she wasn't bewitched" Shang Tsung replied looking at her. She nods. Nightwolf throws up his hands in exasperation "And I suppose restoring her will be easy" He said.

Shang Tsung gives him another side-ward glance "Anything but. We can use Earthrealm's Jinsei to heal Sindel's body. But to break Quan Chi's spell and revive hersoul, we will need access to Outworld's Soul Chamber" He replied

Nightwolf looks away, unconvinced. Fujin sighs to himself "You have a different plan, Nightwolf? A better one?" He asks. Nightwolf turns back to Shang Tsung "One hint of betrayal, sorcerer, and we will finish you"

Shang takes the threat in stride, only smirking back at Nightwolf as (Name) places a hand on his shoulder and looks to Shang Tsung "Where do we start?" She asks trying to defuse the hostilities "Earthrealm, to acquire the Jinsei" He replies.

He swirls his arms around and summons a portal. The three of them walk through it and it disappears behind them.

The scene cuts to Kronika's Keep. The Titan of Time is using her magic to shift the sands in her hourglass. As she does so, her top enforcers - the construct Geras and the cyborg ninja Frost - walk up to her.

"Shang Tsung, Fujin, Nightwolf. All were seen in the Koliseum. How is that possible?" Said Geras as Kronika turned to face them "It should not be. Those cast into the void do not return" Replied Kronika "If Shang Tsung were to--" "--I am aware, Geras. Take Frost and find them. We must discern from when and whence they came" Kronika said cutting off Geras.

The scene cuts to the Dragon Grotto. Fujin scoops some of the Jinsei liquid from a pool into a metal vial the size of his hand "That will be sufficient" Shang Tsung says as he motions as if to take the vial. Fujin glares at him and seals the vial himself "You two may leave. (Name) and I will stay behind to secure the Grotto" He said. He turns directly to Shang Tsung "Your aid is not required"

Once again, Shang replies with nothing but a knowing smirk. He mockingly half-bows to Fujin and (Name) as Nightwolf walks past him, then leaves the grotto himself.

Fujin turns to (Name) as she looks down at Calithea "How is she fairing?" He asked worried for Calithea "She's just tuckered out, Fujin…It's been a long day for both of us" She said looking up to Fujin. He rubbed Calithea's face with his knuckles as she slept against her mother's chest "I believe it's safe to say she doesn't know about Hanzo?" (Name) nods looking back down at her daughter "She thinks Scorpion is him…in a way she is right. I don't know what I'm going to do Fujin. I've never been this unsure in my life. I feel like I'm losing myself" Fujin looked at her worried before placing his hand on her back and rubbing it "…Worry not, Lady (Name), everything will be set right in the end" He said. Unknown to (Name) his face showed remorse.

As they pass from the cave into the arena, Shang stops at the entrance. He holds up a hand to prevent Nightwolf from entering, then picks up a nearby pole. He uses the pole to prod a loose tile just ahead of them. Immediately, several long spikes on either side of the doorway shoot into the space above where the tile is. On one of those spikes are the bloodied remains of a treasure hunter, impaled through his shoulders, pelvis, and legs on one side of the spikes.

There is enough time for the dead man's mask to fall from his face before the spikes are retracted back into the wall, along with his decaying body. Shang Tsung smiles in appreciation "These traps are excellent. Who knew the Shaolin were so diabolical?" He complimented as Nightwolf looked at him quizzically "From you, that's high praise" He said.

For a change, Shang looks offended at this remark. He contemptuously shoves the pole into Nightwolf's hands and walks into the trap dungeon before them "Indeed" He replied. Nightwolf drops the pole and follows after him. The two of them don't manage to walk very far before a swirl of sand magic starts to appear before them, prompting both men to get into fighting stances. The tornado of sand soon begins to disperse, revealing Geras, Frost, and twelve cyber Lin Kuei.

"Nightwolf, Shang Tsung. Come. Kronika is keen to question you" Said Geras

The cyber Lin Kuei charged them. As Shang Tsung ducks into a low stance, Nightwolf readies one of his tomahawks and throws it straight at one of the cyborgs, impaling it through its head. As the cyborg sparks and staggers from the fatal impact, Nightwolf runs up and pulls his tomahawk free, running up and vaulting off the cyborg's shoulders in doing so. As he leaps, he raises his tomahawk, magically summons a second one into his spare hand, and brings both weapons down through the chest of another cyborg. It tries to rise, but Nightwolf knocks it back down with a headbutt and rolls forward.

As he stands up, he catches another cyborg with a tomahawk to its gut, doubling it over. He chops it across the back with his other tomahawk to drop it and then spins around, using the motion to decapitate another cyborg. He knocks his weapons together and runs into the fray of remaining ninjas, while one of them breaks from the crowd and rushes at Shang Tsung.

Shang is ready and parries the cyborg's attack, countering with a knife-hand chop to its throat that stuns it. He hits another cyborg with a punch to its face, grabs and spins it around for a few moments, then drops it with a clothesline. A third cyborg manages to sucker punch him in the face, but he hits two counterpunches to stun it. He turns to the first cyborg and kicks it in the chest, then hits another palm strike and a jumping kick to the third, sending it sprawling.

A fourth cyborg charges in, but Shang grabs its arm, wrenches it down, and knees it in the face, knocking it back. The first tries to punch him, but he dodges its strike. It swings multiple times, but Shang dodges each swipe, even putting his hands behind his back while doing so. He then uses his fire magic to suddenly roast the cyborg where it stands, and finishes by punching off its head. A fifth cyborg attacks, but Shang blocks both of its strikes, then he inflames his hands and downward chops the cyborg twice across its chest. He finishes with a fiery palm thrust that goes straight through the cyborg's chest. He lifts his hand, from chest to head, splitting the cyborg vertically in half in doing so.

As Shang Tsung and Geras approach each other, Nightwolf finishes the last of the cyber Lin Kuei by splitting it in half with his tomahawk. He faces Frost as she approaches "Kronika isn't the future, Frost. We've seen it! Join us on the right side of history" Said Nightwolf.

"The only side is Kronika's. My place in her New Era is assured"

They fight. Frost's control over ice combined with her cybernetic upgrades proves to be quite a challenge for Nightwolf, but he has faced down greater threats than her before. Taking advantage of her arrogance, he manages to break through her attacks and take the fight to her, leaving her beaten on the ground.

"Nothing is assured, Frost"

Over to his side, Geras throws a haymaker that Shang Tsung blocks. He hits Geras in the chest several times, chops him in the face, and lands a gut punch that staggers him. Geras recovers and throws a spinning haymaker that Tsung catches, but the construct keeps throwing punches, eventually landing a short uppercut to Shang's chin that he follows with a gut punch.

The sorcerer staggers back, clearly winded. Geras magically generates his armored gauntlet and pounds Shang Tsung straight in the chest, sending him flying across the dungeon. Tsung whirls back to his feet and shoots out a fireball. It impacts on Geras'chest, but only staggers him for a moment.

Shang powers up and shoots out a flaming skull. This time, Geras is knocked back and crashes through a wooden pillar, splintering it into matchwood. As Geras lies motionless, Tsung falls to one knee, exhausted. Fujin walks up behind him "Is he finished?" Fujin asked as they both looked toward Geras, They found he was already standing to his feet "I am eternal, Fujin. My will and my strength, infinite" Geras states.

Both Fujin and Shang Tsung charge up their wind and soul magic, shooting it at Geras together. He holds up his arms and takes both rays head-on, blocking them and pushing forward. The magic stalls him for a moment, but he pushes back and outward,dispelling the rays.

Both Fujin and Tsung stagger for a moment, but they rally and shoot their magic out once again. Geras again blocks their rays of magic and slowly makes his way forward… until a tomahawk slams into his face along with a fireball. This in turn causes Fujin and Shang Tsung to stop firing at Geras, watching as he nonchalantly pulls the tomahawk out of his skull. His wound instantly heals as he throws the weapon aside.

Nightwolf steps up next to Fujin and Shang Tsung as does (Name) with Calithea clinging to her front. All four of them enter fighting stances. Geras roars and charges them, engaging in Mortal Kombat.

Fujin hits a palm strike to Geras' chest, following through with a knee that is blocked, but he manages to kick Geras in the chest as a follow-up. Shang throws a sidekick that Geras parries, but he punches Geras in the face, leaving him open to Nightwolf, who punches him twice in the face and backhands him in his abdomen. (Name) tosses Calithea in the air as she charges up her fists and rapidly punches his chest causing him to stumble.

All four of them throw high kicks that Geras blocks, but each one forces him back until Nightwolf throws a dropkick that breaks his defenses. (Name) catches Calithea as Geras rallies and punches into the ground, activating his powers over the sand as he does so. A burst of sand suddenly appears before the foursome, catching both Shang Tsung and Fujin as they charge in. They are thrown into the air and land heavily on the ground.

Nightwolf readies a tomahawk and leaps into the air, but Geras catches his arm and counters with a haymaker to Nightwolf's gut. As Nightwolf drops his weapon, Geras grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air. He generates a portal of sand on theground underneath and throws Nightwolf through it, causing him to emerge on the other side of the dungeon. (Name) is thrown into a wall from the gust of sandy wind making sure to hit her back and not her front as she protects Calithea leaving her winded.

Shang Tsung kips up to his feet and attacks, but Geras parried his punches, countering with a punch to the gut and two to the face. Fujin tries to attack, but Geras sends him flying with a shoulder barge. He uses his time powers to freeze Shang Tsung where he stands, then uses the same power to grab Fujin. With a gesture of his hand, he drags Fujin toward Shang Tsung, causing them to collide in a heap, both knocked out from the impact.

Nightwolf manages to stand, though he's still not fully recovered. Geras walks over to him "Of all the Nightwolves I have fought, you are the fiercest" Geras said "It must be why the Great Spirit chose me to wear the mantle" Nightwolf replied.

"You are also anomalous. No one has ever escaped the void"

They fight. The battle proves to be one of Nightwolf's toughest yet. Geras is not fazed by any one of his magical weapons or his fighting abilities. Every fatal blow is absorbed by the construct to no effect. But Nightwolf does not give up and manages to knock Geras to the floor for a moment.

Geras lifts his face, growling at the Native American. Nightwolf readies two of his tomahawks and throws them together, severing Geras' arms at the shoulder. He falls flat on his face once more but still tries to look up.

Fujin and Shang Tsung, now conscious, walk up to Nightwolf "Was that necessary?" Fujin asked "To buy us time. We must be rid of him before he recovers" Nightwolf replies and sure enough, a swirl of sand magic begins to reattach Geras' arms back onto his body. Shang Tsung readies himself by generating his fire magic "Fujin, summon the wind!" Shang Tsung said.

As Shang creates a portal, Fujin readies his wind magic, blasting it directly at Geras. His hands grip down on the ground, but they have not finished attaching to his body yet. With a loud cry, the construct is blown back into the portal. One of his arms inches toward Nightwolf and grabs his foot. Nightwolf looks down and contemptuously kicks it away, watching as it slides into the portal as well.

"Where did you send him?" Fujin asked as he quickly walked to the wall (Name) was lying against and gently helped her up "Chaosrealm. Havik will keep him entertained" Shang Tsung said as he looked at them both "Let's get to the Netherrealm. We're running out of time to find Sindel" Said Nightwolf

Shang creates another portal in front of them and another portal before turning to (Name) "You are to go to the Shokahn to speak with queen Sheeva. As I recall she has a great amount of respect for you. Speak with her on our behalf" He said. (Name) nods "Got it," She said as Calithea nodded as well "Yep!" She said.

The scene cuts to the Netherrealm. An army of oni walks across the hellish landscape. Mounted nearby on an undead fiery steed is the revenant Jade, who jabs a demon close to her that walks too slowly for her liking. Kung Lao and Kabal are also seen on mounts of their own overlooking the marching army.

Nightwolf, Fujin, and Shang Tsung watch the army pass by from the cover of a nearby rock "No sign of Sindel" Said Nightwolf "Not entirely unexpected, given that she did not aid in the Keep's defense" Shang Tsung states "What was her role, then, if she is such a formidable weapon?" Fujin asks. As they talk, the shadows of three figures approach their position "Is it possible tha--" Night wolf says when he suddenly cries out in pain, clutching his chest. Both Fujin and Shang look surprised at this, but say nothing for the moment "Great Spirit!" He says "What is it?" Fujin asks "My revenant… he is close" He replies.

Realizing the implications, all three turn around, now sensing the approaching figures. They appear in shadow, but there is no mistaking the revenants. They are Liu Kang, Kitana… and Nightwolf.

"Great Spirit cannot save you," Says the revenant.

Nightwolf, Shang, and Fujin get into their fighting stances, but Liu Kang raises his hand. He holds some kind of fiery medallion that shoots out what appear to be molten tentacles. These tentacles wrap themselves around the three of them, instantly restraining them. Despite their best efforts, all of them fall to the ground, losing consciousness. Liu Kang withdraws the tentacles back into the medallion and turns to the revenant Nightwolf "Take them to the Bone Temple" He says.

The scene cuts to an unconscious Fujin, hanging from the ceiling, suspended by the shackles on his arms. He awakens to find himself in the Bone Temple. He looks at his restraints and tugs at them, unable to free himself. As he looks around, he spots both Nightwolf and Shang Tsung, each man bound by shackles to pillars on each of his sides. Both of them are still unconscious.

"Nightwolf! Shang Tsung!" He calls out but neither man responds. He tries again "Nightwolf! Shang Tsung!" Eventually, both men open their eyes. Nightwolf looks around "Where are we?" He asks as Shang Tsung looks around for a moment before he answers, spotting a familiar-looking decapitated head "Shinnok's Bone Temple" He says.

We get a close of the former ruler of the Netherrealm. As we last saw him before, Shinnok is still held in place next to a wall by two skeleton hands. Behind the wall is a raging inferno. Sparks of red electricity emit from Shinnok's head frequently; the torture Raiden inflicted upon him still causes him constant pain.

As Fujin takes in this sight, a familiar-sounding voice echoes out behind him "Raiden's violence against our Lord will not go unavenged, Fujin" The revenant Sindel does not step out of the shadows surrounding her, instead remaining just out of Fujin's line of sight "Prepare to pay for your brother's sins" She walks around the pillar, that is holding Shang Tsung, suddenly appearing at his side. The revenant Nightwolf hangs back in the shadows "Sindel… you look well. Death becomes you" Shang Tsung comments. She smirks at the remark, but there is no amusem*nt on her face. She places a hand on his cheek "Always the charmer, Shang Tsung. I will enjoy feeding Lord Shinnok your soul" She sneered.

She pulls her hand away and walks toward Nightwolf. He grunts as he struggles against his restraints. Out of Sindel's line of sight, he magically conjures up a spirit knife in his right hand, using it to cut away at the chain on his shackle "But you, Nightwolf… you get the privilege of suffering most" She says as she grabs him by the throat, though not tightly enough to strangle him "We should've saved you. Hopefully we will today" Nightwolf says.

The knife finally manages to cut his shackles. He swings it out at Sindel, who backpedals just in time to avoid it. He charges forth, swinging it thrice more, but she dodges each time. As the revenant Nightwolf readies his tomahawks, Sindel screams into the air, her banshee cries magically echoing across the temple. A multitude of oni hear the cry and storm into the room.

Nightwolf brandishes his tomahawks and throws them at Fujin's shackles. They snap them instantly, freeing the Wind God. He readies himself as the revenant Nightwolf charges. Sindel merely points with her finger, letting the charging oni do her work for her.

As they approach, Nightwolf frees Shang Tsung by slamming his tomahawk into the chain that binds him, and all three of them get into fighting stances and charge. Shang Tsung engages the revenant Nightwolf, while the living Nightwolf charges into a group of oni, tomahawks drawn. Fujin conjures up a tornado around Nightwolf, spinning him around while his tomahawks are outstretched. The result of this unique combo is that any oni that approaches Nightwolf is messily chopped to pieces by the spinning tomahawks. Within a few seconds, all the oni are lying dead on the groundand Fujin dispels the tornado.

As Fujin prepares to deal with more oni offscreen, Nightwolf approaches Sindel, who stands off to the side as all this takes place "You can't kill me, Sindel. Not without killing my revenant" He said "I'm not going to kill you" She gave a throaty laugh as she walked forward.

"As Raiden said to Lord Shinnok… there are fates worse than death"

They fight. Earlier in this timeline, empowered by Shang Tsung's magic and strength, Sindel was too strong for (Name) all those years ago to allow her to live. But Sindel lost this strength when she became a revenant, and thanks to this, Nightwolf is able to overcome her sorcery with his own magic, eventually leaving her unconscious on the ground.

"I can imagine few fates worse than yours"

A cry from behind him catches Nightwolf's attention. He turns around and spins, slashing out with his tomahawk as an oni rushes him. He catches the demon in the throat, dropping it. Another one tries to kick him, but he plants his tomahawks into its rising ankle and leg. As it hobbles in pain, he drives a tomahawk square into its chest to drop it. In the background, his revenant staggers Shang Tsung with a spinning sidekick to the gut.

The revenant summons lightning into his tomahawk and blasts Shang Tsung square in the face. He falls and writhes in agony as the revenant continues to electrocute him. The living Nightwolf, meanwhile, plunges his tomahawks into the chest of another attacking oni. As it falls to its knees, Nightwolf spots his revenant and yanks his weapons loose, taking off toward them.

He parries a swipe from an oni with his tomahawk before repeatedly stabbing it in its torso, finishing it with a stab to the throat. He then charges his revenant from behind and shoulder barges him, causing him to break the lightning spell. Old Nightwolf lands hard but gets to his feet as smoke begins to rise from Shang Tsung's badly burnt form.

The two Nightwolves circle each other. Old Nightwolf brandishes his tomahawks threateningly "You will die by your own hands" Says Old Nightwolf. Young Nightwolf puts his hands up in appeasem*nt "Harming me only hurts you" He says "My sacrifice will save the Matoka" His older self replies "Kronika has no love for our people. The Great Spirit--" Nightwolf tried to say. before his older self yelled.

"--is a fraud! Who allowed us to suffer! Who allowed a child to die for a world in which she was not born into! Kronika is our future as well as hers"

They fight. The battle is even in its beginning, with both kombatants equally matched in strength, fighting skill, and magic powers. But the elder Nightwolf is at a disadvantage thanks to what his younger self realized earlier; every time the elder harms the younger, he is hurt as well. This allows the younger Nightwolf to press the advantage, and though the battle is tough, he eventually knocks his revenant down.

"Kronika is not the answer"

As the revenant rises back to his feet, he is suddenly enveloped by soul magic and cries out in agony. He falls to his knees as Shang Tsung begins to devour his soul "Shang Tsung, stop! We can restore him!" The young Nightwolf pleaded. Shang Tsung is not a pretty sight at the moment. The lightning attack damaged him so badly that his face was nothing more than a skull with two blinded eyes staring out of them. His voice is barely more than a strained groan from rotted vocal chords "He wounded me. If I die, we fail" Shang Tsung rapsed. The soul magic transferring into his hands begins to restore his face, growing flesh back onto his skull. Young Nightwolf does not look convinced at his words. He starts charging toward Shang Tsung.

"Sorcerer, I'll--" "No, Nightwolf!" Fujin yells as he grabs him by the chest and shoulder, holding him back "Shang Tsung must live"

Shang Tsung recovers enough to stand up fully and uses his other hand to channel soul magic as well. His face is now bloodied, but recognisable, and soon his facial hair grows back as well, and within moments he is completely healed, looking just asbefore. The revenant Nightwolf meanwhile is sucked dry, and as the spell is finished he falls forward, his body withered and even more grey than before. His eyes are milk-colored and glazed over, and there is no question that he is dead. Just out of his reach lays his tomahawk, his fingertips just brushing it. It's the same as his younger self except for one thing extra. Tied one of the tassels is a piece of (hair color) hair. A moment of (Name) after she had passed away. An event the young Nightwolf has yet to go through.

With his trademark smirk, Shang Tsung walks over to Nightwolf and Fujin "Are you happy now?" Nightwolf said glaring "I am healthy, Nightwolf. That should be your concern" Shang Tsung replied "Both of you, please" Fujin said trying to keep the piece. He looks to Sindel, who is still unconscious "We must make haste to the Soul Chamber" He says. Shang Tsung turns around and walks off "Then let us hurry… and hope Sheeva is as eager to aid us as I anticipate…and that (Name) has convinced her if she is not," he says. Both Fujin and Nightwolf stare after him, each lost in their own thoughts at his words.

The scene cuts to Sheeva's throne room in Outworld. The queen of the Shokan herself is seated on the throne, a goblet in her hand, flanked by two bodyguards wielding maces two heads taller than their own giant frames. Shang Tsung stands away from the throne, hands behind his back in apparent respect behind (Name) as she acts as a peacekeeper.

"Escort you and your "comrades" to the Soul Chamber?" Sheeva asked in annoyance towards the sorcerer "Yes, Your Highness" (Name) replies as Calithea plays with her dress as she sits on the floor. Sheeva turns her attention to Shang Tsung and glares "Have you come from the future only to insult me? I am no sword for hire"

"This request is far below your present station, Your Highness. But defeating Kronika depends on us reaching that chamber" Shang Tsung replied earning a glare from (Name) and a nudge "Shang, Be respectful" She hissed under her breath causing him to smirk at her "Why?" Sheeva questions "Because we must restore Sindel" Said (Name). At the name, Sheeva's eyes widen and her face drops in shock, but for a moment "My Empress…" She said breathless.

Nightwolf and Fujin walk into the throne room, carrying a coffin between them. As Sheeva looks on, her expression changes to bewilderment as they set the coffin on a table before the throne. She stands up and walks down the steps from the throne to gaze into the coffin. She looks into the glass covering and takes in the sight of the revenant Sindel.

"You've captured her revenant," She says "Yeah they did. Fujin and Shang Tsung can restore her to life, Sheeva" (Name) replies "Why? To make a slave of her, as Quan Chi did?" Sheeva accused "So that she can aid us against Kronika. But you have my vow she will return free of all influence" Fujin replied

Sheeva looks down, conflicted at these words. Shang Tsung slyly notes her apprehension as he starts speaking "As I recall, you were blood-bound to Empress Sindel" He said "I was her protector for life" Sheeva replied "How it must have pained you when she died" His face and tone are lined with calculated empathy. Sheeva looked downcast "Shang! That's enough!" (Name) barked making Calithea look up at her mother. (Name) turns to Sheeva and looks at her with empathy "Queen Sheeva What happened was not your fault. You couldn't save her then but now you have a chance to bring her back" She says.

She gestures to the still form in the coffin. Sheeva stares at her for a moment, then brings her head up to face (Name) "Then I w--" She stops herself before uttering anything further. Her sorrow turns to resolve "No. We must present this to Kitana Kahn" She says "Respectfully, your Highness, if we approach Kitana--" Fujin said "She'll cut Shang Tsung's head off" Nightwolf finished "Kitana never appreciated my contributions to the Empire" Shang Tsung said "Like replacing her with an evil clone?" Nightwolf Questioned.

"Yes," Shang Tsung says the word with no remorse, only a smirk. Nightwolf looksunamused.Sheeva turns to (Name) who picks up Calithea "Would she not listen to you?" She asks as Calithea plays with Sheeva's hand smiling "Unfortunately not. She'd assume the worst. Besides the me of this time is probably at the firegardens by now" (Name) replied. Fujin walks around the coffin to face Sheeva directly "Time is short, Queen Sheeva. We must act now and beg Kitana's forgiveness later, after restoring her mother. Will you help us?" He asked. Sheeva looks away from him, again peering down at the coffin that contains Sindel's revenant.

"By concealing you from Kitana, I betray my oath to her…but my life belongs to Sindel" She replies. Nightwolf and Shang glance at each other, both realizing she has finally come around. Sheeva turns to Tsung "You will be recognised by Kitana's imperial guard" She states "True. They won't take to me kindly" He replied. Before them all, he suddenly shapeshifts into a Shokan with nothing more than a flourish of soul magic. Sheeva takes a moment to appraise his face paint and appearance.

"That will do," She said then turned to (Name) and Calithea "(Name) there is a small passage I wish for you to take instead. for the safety of your daughter and on the off chance you'd come across your past-self" (Name) looked surprised "But-" "It is for the best, Lady (Name)" Fujin said as he came to her side before whispering to her "Knowing how you are…I know you'll try to change his fate" Her eyes widen for a moment, letting out a small gasp, before turning sad. She closes her eyes and nods slowly "Right. You're right" She said softly as Calithea laid in her arms.

The scene cuts to a pool of bubbling green acid, the edge of which is lined with bloodied skulls and other pieces of skeletons. It is the Dead Pool, and the camera pans upwards to see Sheeva walking across the sole walkway in the area, accompanied by Fujin, Nightwolf, and the disguised Shang Tsung, the latter two carrying the coffin between them.

"We've made it this far," Sheeva says as she points ahead of her "There's a stairway beyond those doors, and at the top…" "The Soul Chamber" Shang Tsung finished his eyes glowing green with soul-powered energy "I feel it"

As they walk across the chamber, another voice sounds out behind them.

"So there he was, neck deep in sh*t, cowering in the business end of an outhouse…"

The raucous laughter of Tarkatans echoes across his speech. Sheeva and Fujin stop and turn around at the noise.

"…he picked a bad place to hide and an even worse place to die"

The mercenary Erron Black walks into the Dead Pool, drawing one of his pistols. Baraka follows him, scraping one of his arm blades across the side of a nearby wall. Behind him are five other Tarkatans. They approach the foursome.

"Sheeva!" Said Baraka. Sheeva looks to Fujin "Follow my lead" She says she and Baraka walk up to each other "Earthrealmers, Sheeva, and a coffin. What secret did you plan to bury here?" Baraka enquired "It is the Kahn's business, Baraka" Sheeva replied "We're equal partners, remember? The Kahn's business is my business.

He walks over to the disguised Shang Tsung, who does not turn to face him. His face is nervous as Baraka stands behind him, looking over his shoulder. After a few moments, the Tarkatan addresses him "You are not Shokan" He breathes in deeply, sniffing the air around Shang "I know that scent" The sorcerer's expression turns to worry "Smells like… Shang Tsung!"

Tsung's eyes widen in shock, but he reacts too late. Baraka pulls out his arm blade and stabs him in the back. With little effort, Baraka raises him into the air, still impaled on the blade. The pain proves too much and Shang Tsung reverts to his human form. Baraka pulls the blade out and Tsung falls to his knees, a hand grasping at his open wound. The other Tarkatans start forward, drawing their arm blades. Baraka steps back next to them and Erron Black "How's that for strange bedfellows" Said Erron as he draws his pistols and points them at Sheeva and Fujin "Whaddya say we skip the preliminaries and y'all come with us quietly? We'll have a nice friendly chat with Kitana Kahn"

Behind Sheeva, Fujin helps Shang Tsung to his feet "There's no time for chat. We must get to the Soul Chamber, urgently!" Sheeva said "Then go on and get to it. But we're taking Shang Tsung…and that coffin" Erron stated.

Baraka roars and points his arm blade at Tsung. The Tarkatans charge, but Tsung suddenly launches a flaming skull at them. The Tarkatans manage to dodge, but one is caught in the blow-back and loses his footing, falling into the pool of acid. Everyone stops to watch as the Tarkatan screams and flails in agony, the caustic liquid quickly dissolving his flesh. Barely a couple of seconds pass before the green pool starts mixing with the red of his blood.

Baraka narrows his eyes in tranquil fury. Sheeva looks on with a mixture of horror and pity. Shang Tsung smirks, looking ready to burst out laughing. Soon all that is left of the unfortunate Tarkatan is a bloodied skull. Baraka growls at the sight "My sincere apologies" Says Shang Tsung.

The sarcastic comment is too much for the Tarkatans. They all draw their arm blades and charge. Before they can close in, Fujin summons a tornado of wind and traps them. He slams his hands down and they are blown back across the walkway, withOnly Baraka keeping his footing.

Erron aims his pistol at Nightwolf and fires, but the Native American pulls his tomahawk from his back and throws it. In slow motion, we see the bullet fired from Erron's pistol come into contact with the blade of the tomahawk… and it is cleaved in two from the impact. As normal time resumes, Erron leans to the right just in time to avoid the tomahawk colliding with his head.

Baraka and Sheeva approach one another "Tarkatan blood is shed! You will atone, Sheeva" He snarled.

"Were you not warned? Tarkatans are all mouth and no ears"

They fight. In spite of Baraka's savage fighting ability and his deadly blades, Sheeva proves herself his superior in strength, size, and skill. After a brief struggle, Baraka is beaten to the ground.

"You speak when you should listen"

Suddenly, a bullet ricochets off Sheeva's shoulder armor, failing to penetrate but forcing her back a step. She turns to see Erron Black firing his pistols at Nightwolf, who rolls into cover behind the coffin. As Black closes in, Sheeva charges intohis flank and sucker punches him, sending him sprawling. He picks himself up as she approaches.

"Time to spill it. Who's toes up in that coffin?" Erron asks "Empress Sindel. We can restore her with the Soul Chamber!" Sheeva said confusing Erron.

"Hold up, Sheeva. You're resurrecting Kitana's evil mama? The same one darlin' put in the ground? Whatever your reasons… this ain't a good look for you"

They fight. With his various armaments and dirty tricks, Erron Black is unlike many foes Sheeva has fought. But Sheeva is far from defenseless, and with her sheer strength and fighting prowess, she overcomes these obstacles and Black is soon leftdown and out.

"Know your place, Outlander"

Sheeva regroups with Shang Tsung. Behind them, Nightwolf and Fujin pick up the coffin "Let's move quickly" Said Sheeva. As they proceed towards the Soul Chamber, a new figure runs into the Dead Pool before them. It is Jade, who takes in the sightbefore her with anger "What in Argus' name is happening out here?" She asked with anger. No one responds. Nightwolf and Fujin place the coffin back on the ground, and Jade looks directly at the sorcerer, recognizing him at once. Her eyes narrow in disgust.

"Shang Tsung! I thought I saw you slither away from the Koliseum" She hissed. Shang smirks back at her, inclining his head in a mocking half-bow "You always were perceptive" He said mockingly. Sheeva holds up one of her hands "We have no wish to fight, Jade" She says as she motions to the coffin "This is Sindel's revenant"

Nightwolf and Shang step to one side to allow her a better view of the coffin. She approached it, looking curious "We can restore her to life, so she can join the fight against Kronika," Sheeva said "Please, Jade… we must enter" Fujin pleaded "You have yet to convince me" Said Jade. She steps around the coffin, still looking down at Sindel's form "Even if you do, the Soul Chamber is occupied. Kotal uses it to mend his body. (Name) may have moved his spine back into place but Disrupting him now could leave his injuries in a worse state than they already are" She said worried for her love.

"I promise, we will not disturb him" Said Shang Tsung. He holds his hands out wide in faux reassurance. Sending Jade is getting agitated by his actions, Sheeva slowly walks around towards her "Your promises are empty, sorcerer!" Jade barked. Shang Tsung steps to one side, allowing Sheeva to approach Jade "We will not harm Kotal. As my ally, you should trust me" Sheeva promised. Jade says nothing but assumes a fighting stance.

"So much for Edenian loyalty"

They fight. In the past, Jade's speed and skill enabled her to beat Sheeva in a straight fight. But the Queen of the Shokan remembers the lessons she learned and applies them here, managing to avoid Jade's attacks and land hers effectively. After a fierce melee, she manages to defeat the Edenian.

"You will recover"

She walks off. The scene cuts to the Soul Chamber. Sheeva, Shang Tsung, Nightwolf and Fujin (still carrying the coffin between them) walk into the mysterious dungeon. They pass statues of snakes bearing glass orbs in their open maws that swirl with soulenergy, finally passing through a set of doors that leads to the chamber itself - carved out of the gigantic skull of an unknown Outworld monster with six horns protruding from its head.

Floating in the chamber, surrounded by swirling soul energy, is the Osh-Tekk formerly known as Kotal Kahn, but now simply as Kotal. He appears to be asleep as the foursome approaches the chamber. Nightwolf and Fujin set the coffin down and all four of them take in the sight of Kotal "Do we wait? Or do we wake him?" Nightwolf asks confused. Shang Tsung does not reply but gives a calculating look at Kotal. It is Sheeva who speaks first "Kotal"

Kotal stirs at the sound of his name. He flexes his hands and stretches, pushing himself free of the chamber. As the soul energy dissipates, he staggers slightly as he sets down and tries to keep his footing "Sheeva? What is… where is Jade?" He questions. He looks around and takes in the sight of Shang Tsung "And why is HE here?" He points at the sorcerer, evidently none too pleased to see him.

"Later, Kotal. For now, we must--" "I recall my captivity in your Flesh Pits all too well" Kotal interrupted Sheeva as he glared at Shang Tsung. He takes a step forward but grimaces in pain. His walk is rather unsteady, but he keeps approaching until he finally falls to one knee. Sheeva kneels to help him, holding him upright with all four of her arms "You need more time to heal" She said. Kotal suddenly stands upright and pushes Sheeva away "I am strong enough to kill him," He says. He starts for Shang Tsung, who gets into a fighting stance, but Sheeva intercepts Kotal and blocks his path, holding him back.

"Today, he is our ally. With his sorcery, Sindel can live again" Sheva tried to help him understand but once again, Kotal shoves her away "Necromancy is forbidden!" He stated. He points a finger in her face "You have taken leave of your senses" He looks over to Shang "Reverse the spell you have cast on them, sorcerer!"

He again closes in, but Sheeva grapples him once more and holds him back. Kotal throws a punch, but Sheeva catches his wrist with her two left hands and pushes him back. He grabs at her with his free hand, which she grabs with her two free arms. As they struggle against each other, Sheeva looks over to Shang Tsung "Do your work! I can hold Kotal!" Sheeva grunted.

Without further ado, Fujin summons his wind powers and uses them to remove the coffin lid, and then to levitate Sindel's body. His wind powers direct the unconscious revenant directly into the chamber, where the swirling soul energy begins to gather around her. As Shang Tsung readies his soul magic and uses it to expose Sindel's heart, Fujin holds up the vial of Jinsei, which begins to sparkle with blue energy.

"It has begun!" Said Shang Tsung. To the side, Kotal frees one of his arms and shoulder barges Sheeva, forcing her back. He looks over to them, then back to her.

"You dare obstruct my justice? If you wish to keep all four arms… stand aside!"

They fight. Having fought and defeated even the mighty Goro, Kotal would normally be a challenge too much for Sheeva to overcome, but he is not at his full strength and she can take advantage of it. In spite of this though, Kotal still puts up an incredible fight, and it takes everything Sheeva has to put him on the ground for a moment.

"I'll submit to Kitana Kahn's justice, not yours"

Kotal rises back to his feet and takes another swing at Sheeva, but she ducks behind his blow, grapples him from behind, and holds him fast in a half-nelson sleeper hold. She interlocks her lower arms, preventing him from prying her loose with his free hand, and keeps her upper hands pressed down on his head. Gradually, he starts to fall unconscious.

A few columns of stone move from the left side of the wall revealing a passageway lit by torches. From the darkness (Name) walks out with Calithea, who is wide awake, she looks to see Kotal restrained by Sheeva. She worries but pushes those feelings aside, knowing it's for the best to stay out of his sight, and walks towards the rest of them.

Behind them, Fujin and Shang Tsung continue to work their magic. Kotal finally falls limp and Sheeva sets him down as gently as she can… only to find Kitana Kahn walking into the chamber, flanked by four Outworld soldiers "Queen Sheeva!" Kitana shouted "Kitana Kahn. I--" Sheeva said as she bowed, but Kitana held a hand up "Hold your tongue. Jade told me everything" Kitana said coldly. She looks toward Fujin and Shang Tsung, who are still channeling the Jinsei and soul magic of the chamber "Nothing good can come from that sorcerer's hands" Kitana said about to stop them.

"Kitana! Wait!" (Name) said confusing Kitana "How…but…you shouldn't be here," Kitana said unable to understand how (Name) was her when she was supposed to be on a mission with Hanzo and Kuia Liang" "I know this is confusing, Kitana, but I-" Nightwolf approaches Sheeva's side and stand in front of (Name) as they talk interrupting (Name) "He will restore your mother, Kitana Kahn," Sheeva said trying to ease her worries. Kitana suddenly closes her eyes at the words. When she opens them, she is visibly wracked with conflict "For a thousand years I've dreamed of seeing her alive again. But her soul deserves better than to be corrupted by Shang Tsung" She says then she starts to walk past them "This perversion ends now"

Nightwolf draws his weapons, ready to take on the Outworld soldiers. Sheeva intercepts Kitana and shoves her back "How quickly your oath to me is broken, Sheeva," She says

"I have been bound to your mother for millennia. I must honor her!"

They fight. With her speed and fighting ability, Kitana presents a formidable threat to Sheeva in a way completely different from Kotal before her. But Sheeva, driven by her loyalty to Sindel, is able to match the new Kahn of Outworld step for step. She eventually manages to overpower Kitana and leave her beaten on her knees.

"Forgive me, Kitana Kahn"

As Kitana looks on, Shang Tsung and Fujin approach the Soul Chamber, maximizing the strength of their magic and focusing it on Sindel. As they do so, they see her heart beginning to beat again. Sensing this, they look at one another and push themselves to their absolute limit. The effect on Sindel is immediate; the cracked, greyed skin of her revenant is restored into living flesh once again, and the hole in her chest that revealed her heart is sealed back once more. Suddenly, she gasps and opens her eyes…which are no longer milky white, but Edenian once more.

Fujin and Shang step back, satisfied with their work. Sheeva helps a stunned Kitana back to her feet. (Name) stares at Sindel with memories of their first and last encounter, how it ended in her killing Sindel. Sindel steps free of the chamber, wobbling a bit on her feet. She falls forward after a few steps, but Shang Tsung catches her.

"What have you done" Kitana says but Sheeva doesn't answer. Sindel looks around her, clearly unsure of her surroundings "Welcome back, Your Highness" Shang Stung says. Sindel looks toward him and angrily shoves him away from her, still looking rather disorientated "It pleases me to see you, too" He says smirking "Am I alive? Is this real?" Sindel asks as she looks down at her restored hands "It is, Lady Sindel. A miracle we could not have achieved… without your most loyal subject" Fujin says then he looks at Sheeva.

"Sheeva?" Sindel questions. The Shokan Queen approaches her "Empress, though today I have aided you, too often have I failed to protect you. I am not worthy" Sheeva says as she bows in submission. Sindel smiles warmly in response "Aw, nonsense. Today, you give me the greatest gift - a second chance! Your duty is fulfilled. I am in your debt now" Sindel replied then she bowed her head to Sheeva "Thank you, Empress" Sindel looked around "Where is my daughter?"

She spots Kitana, who removes her veil as she takes in the sight of her mother. Sindel breaks out another warm smile and opens her arms in an embrace "Kitana…" Kitana approaches her, hopeful but also wary. She steps toward Sindel but suddenly pulls back. Sindel looks concerned at her wariness.

"It is me, Kitana. Your mother" "I… I want to feel joy, but all I feel is… I was onlya child when you… you…" Kitana looks ready to burst into tears as the emotional pain of the past hits her "How could you kill yourself?! Why did you abandon me?" She says heartbroken "I did neither, Kitana. After being forced to wed Shao Kahn, I ran afoul of Quan Chi. He accused me of "distracting" Shao Kahn. Then the miscreant murdered me, and staged my death as a suicide" Sindel explained.

"…As I had always suspected," Says Sheeva "But… all this time? Everything I've been told about you, it's all… lies? What can I trust?" Kitana says trying to make sense of it all "Trust… that I loved your father, Jerrod" Sindel said as she approached her daughter and placed her hand on the back of her head, stroking her hair "Trust that I love you" She pulls Kitana into a gentle hug, smiling. Kitana finally reciprocates "Oh, mother!"

As they break apart, Fujin calls out, addressing them both "This reunion is a blessing, but we have little time to celebrate. We must leave for Shang Tsung's island to finish our quest" "I would go with you, fight by your side, but…" Kitana trails off "Outworld needs its Kahn, I know," Sindel says as she strokes her daughter's face and places her hand on her shoulder "Rest assured, Kitana. I will come home"

Sindel notices (Name) standing behind Kitana a few feet away, Calithea is behind her mother's legs "You…I remember you…" Sindel said slowly approaching (Name), who was feeling emotional a bit, as Sindel was the first person she ever killed, and now here she was alive. Memories of the first time Sindel ever met (Name) flash in Sindel's mind. The image flashing between the 18-year-old girl she saw once to the 28-year-old woman she sees now "I…I don't…I can't even begin to apologize for" "Hush now, Dear, you did the right thing. I don't blame you for protecting those you love" Sindel said holding (Name)s shoulders. (Name) tears up and nods "You've grown up quite a lot," Sindel says smiling. (Name) tearfully laughs "A lot can change in 10 years," She says.

"Mama?" Calithea asks tugging her mother's clothes causing Sindle and (Name) to look down. Sindel looks on in interest as (Name) picks up Calithea "Mama? Who's that?" Calithea asked pointing to Sindel "Sindel…I want you to meet your granddaughter. Cali this is your grandma" (Name) said shyly looking at Sindel.

Sindel is shocked "but…I have no sons…how is this-?" "Shang Tsung created a clone of Kitana in his flesh pits. Her name was Mileena. It's a long story but-" Sindel raises her hand "I understand enough" She says gently and turns her gaze to Calithea, who looks at Sindel with a wide-eyed wonder-filled look, and raises her arms slightly "May I?" She asked softly. (Name) nodded and gently handed Calithea to Sindel. Calithea looks up at her and smiles as she shows off her little fangs "Nana?" She asked tilting her head. Sindel looked at her with a softened gaze for a brief moment it felt as though she was holding a young Kitana in her arms again "Hello, my darling" She whispered overcome with emotion.

The scene cuts to Kronika's Keep. The Titan of Time is manipulating the Hourglass, along with her daughter Cetrion.

"Sindel has been restored. Shang Tsung would only undertake such an arduous task if her aid promised a decisive advantage" Kronika says "She is but one mortal--" "--And one of the few who can harm you along with that woman" Kronkia inturrupts Cetrion "I fear no harm" "They are at Shang Tsung's island" "Your crown. Shang Tsung knows" "Then our time for preparation is over. Go to the island now"

Cetrion bows in agreement "We cannot win their hearts, so do not try. Do not permit your better nature to compromise you" Kronika says. There is no empathy in her statement. Cetrion only nods in response "I understand, Mother" She flies backward for a few moments, before magically transforming from her regular green attire into her fiery, more devilish form, with a large explosion accompanying this transformation.

#mortal kombat | undertale-anomaly20 (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.