Random Forest Algorithm In Trading Using Python | IBKR Campus US (2024)

The article “Random Forest Algorithm In Trading Using Python” first appeared on QuantInsti Blog.


In the realm of algorithmic trading, the random forest algorithm offers a powerful approach for enhancing trading strategies.

In today's data-driven landscape, the utilization of machine learning algorithms has expanded across diverse domains. Each algorithm has its own unique characteristics and functions, catering to different problem domains. Random forest algorithms is a prime example of an algorithm developed to address the limitations encountered with decision trees. As Machine learning algorithms continue to evolve and improve, their application scope widens, allowing for enhanced problem-solving capabilities.

This blog covers:

  • What are decision trees and its limitation?
  • What is a random forest?
  • Working of random forest algorithm in machine learning
  • Steps to use random forest algorithm for trading in Python
  • Pros of using random forest algorithm
  • Cons of using random forest algorithm

What are decision trees and its limitation?

Decision trees, characterized by their hierarchical structure, use nodes and branches to guide decision-making based on parameter responses.

Random Forest Algorithm In Trading Using Python | IBKR Campus US (1)

However, they are prone to overfitting as they become overly complex and specific.

In both machine learning,overfittingoccurs when the model fits the data too well. Overfitting model learns the detail and noise in the training data to such an extent that it negatively impacts the performance of the model on new data/test data.

You can learn more about decision trees with thisFree Previewof the courseDecision trees in trading.

What is a random forest?

Random forest algorithm inmachine learningis a supervised classification algorithm that addresses the issue of overfitting in decision trees through an ensemble approach. It consists of multiple decision trees constructed randomly byselecting featuresfrom the dataset.

The final prediction of the random forest is determined by aggregating the outcomes from the decision trees, with the most frequent prediction.

The outcome which is arrived at, for a maximum number of times through the numerous decision trees is considered as the final outcome by the random forest.

Working of random forest algorithm in machine learning

Random forests utilise ensemble learning techniques by combining multiple decision trees. The accuracy of ensemble models exceeds that of individual models by aggregating their results to produce a final outcome.

To select features for decision tree construction in the Random Forest, a method called bootstrap aggregating or bagging is employed. Random subsets of features are created by selecting features randomly with replacement. This random selection allows for variability and reduces correlation among the trees, effectively addressing the issue of overfitting.

Each tree is constructed based on the best split determined by the selected features. The output of each tree represents a “vote” towards a specific outcome. The Random Forest considers the output with the highest number of votes as the final result or, in the case of continuous variables, averages the outputs to determine the final outcome.

For example, in the diagram below, we can see that there are two trading signals:

  • 1 – is the buy signal
  • 0 – is the sell signal

We can observe that each decision tree has voted or predicted a specific trading signal. The final output or signal selected by the Random Forest will be 1, as it has majority votes or is the predicted output by two out of the three decision trees.

Random Forest Algorithm In Trading Using Python | IBKR Campus US (2)

Also, this way, random forest algorithm helps avoid overfitting in the decision trees.

You can learn it in more detail in thefree preview(Section 13, Unit 1) of our course titledMachine Learning for Options Trading.

Steps to use random forest algorithm for trading in Python

In general, the steps to use random forest in trading are:

Data Preparation

Collect and preprocess historical market data, perform cleaning, normalization, and feature engineering to enhance the dataset's quality and relevance.

Data Split

Split the dataset into training and testing sets to evaluate the Random Forest model's performance accurately

Building and Training the Model

Utilize Python's scikit-learn library to implement the Random Forest algorithm, fine-tune hyperparameters, and train the model using the training dataset.

Feature Importance and Interpretability

Extract valuable insights by interpreting the Random Forest model's feature importance rankings. Understand the influential factors driving trading strategies.

Backtesting and Strategy Evaluation

Apply the trained Random Forest model to historical market data for backtesting and evaluate the performance of the trading strategy using relevant metrics.

Now, let us check the steps in the python code, which are as follows:

Step 1 – Import libraries

In this code, we will be creating a Random Forest Classifier and train it to give the daily returns.

# Import librariesimport yfinance as yfimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

Import_libraries.pyhosted with ❤ byGitHub

The libraries imported above will be used as follows:

  1. yfinance – this will be used to fetch the price data of the BAC stock from yahoo finance.
  2. numpy – to perform the data manipulation on BAC stock price to compute the input features and output. If you want to read more about numpy then it can be foundhere.
  3. sklearn – Sklearn has a lot of tools and implementation ofmachine learningmodels. RandomForestClassifier will be used to create Random Forest classifier model.

Step 2 – Fetching the data

The next step is to import the price data of stock from yfinance. We will use IBM for illustration.

# Fetch the IBM price datadata = yf.download('IBM', start="2019-01-01", end="2023-06-30")# Display the datadata.tail()

Fetch_IBM_data.pyhosted with ❤ byGitHub


[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed

DateOpenHighLowCloseAdj CloseVolume

Step 3 – Creating input and output dataset

In this step, we will create the input and output variable.

  1. Input variable: We have used ‘(Open – Close)/Open', ‘(High – Low)/Low', standard deviation of last 5 days returns (std_5), and average of last 5 days returns (ret_5)
  2. Output variable: If tomorrow’s close price is greater than today's close price then the output variable is set to 1 and otherwise set to -1. 1 indicates to buy the stock and -1 indicates to sell the stock.

The choice of these features as input and output is completely random.

# Features constructiondata['Open-Close'] = (data.Open - data.Close)/data.Opendata['High-Low'] = (data.High - data.Low)/data.Lowdata['percent_change'] = data['Adj Close'].pct_change()data['std_5'] = data['percent_change'].rolling(5).std()data['ret_5'] = data['percent_change'].rolling(5).mean()data.dropna(inplace=True)# X is the input variableX = data[['Open-Close', 'High-Low', 'std_5', 'ret_5']]# Y is the target or output variabley = np.where(data['Adj Close'].shift(-1) > data['Adj Close'], 1, -1)

Creating_input_output_data.pyhosted with ❤ byGitHub

Step 4 – Train Test Split

We now split the dataset into 75% Training dataset and 25% for Testing dataset.

# Total dataset lengthdataset_length = data.shape[0]# Training dataset lengthsplit = int(dataset_length * 0.75)split

Train_test_split.pyhosted with ❤ byGitHub



# Splitiing the X and y into train and test datasetsX_train, X_test = X[:split], X[split:]y_train, y_test = y[:split], y[split:]# Print the size of the train and test datasetprint(X_train.shape, X_test.shape)print(y_train.shape, y_test.shape)

Split_X&Y.pyhosted with ❤ byGitHub


(844, 4) (282, 4) (844,) (282,)

Visit QuantInsti to learn how to train the Machine Learning model and to read the full article: https://blog.quantinsti.com/random-forest-algorithm-in-python/.

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NumPy Python Random Forest Algorithm sklearn yfinance

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Random Forest Algorithm In Trading Using Python | IBKR Campus US (2024)


What is the random forest algorithm in trading? ›

The Random Forest algorithm offers a robust and versatile approach to making data-driven trading decisions. By leveraging its capabilities, traders can enhance their prediction accuracy, manage risks better, and optimize their portfolios.

How to predict stock prices using random forest? ›

The Random Forest model was used to predict stock price trends based on the linear decision described above. Apple's stock price was used to forecast trends for 30, 60, and 90 days in the future. The accuracy of the model increases and tends to converge with the increase of decision trees in the model.

How accurate is the random forest algorithm? ›

To test the trained model we can use the internal '. predict' function, passing our testing dataset as a parameter. We can also use the following metrics to see how well our test worked. Our model provided an accuracy measure of 86.1% and an F1 score of 80.25%.

Is random forest the best algorithm? ›

Random forest is a flexible, easy-to-use machine learning algorithm that produces, even without hyper-parameter tuning, a great result most of the time. It is also one of the most-used algorithms, due to its simplicity and diversity (it can be used for both classification and regression tasks).

How to solve random forest? ›

Step 1: Select random samples from a given data or training set. Step 2: This algorithm will construct a decision tree for every training data. Step 3: Voting will take place by averaging the decision tree. Step 4: Finally, select the most voted prediction result as the final prediction result.

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In particular, the LSTM algorithm (Long Short- Term Memory) confirms the stability and efficiency in short-term stock price forecasting.

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Price to Book Ratio

Find companies with a price-to-book value (P/BV) ratio less than 1.20. P/BV ratios are calculated by dividing the current share price by the most recent book value per share for a company. Book value provides a good indication of the underlying value of a company.

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For a beginning investor, an easier task is determining if the stock is trading lower or higher than its peers by looking at the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the current price per share by the most recent 12-month trailing earnings per share.

What are the disadvantages of random forest algorithm? ›

Disadvantages of Random Forest
  • Random forests are prone to overfitting if the data contains a large number of features.
  • Random forests are very slow in making predictions when compared to other algorithms.
  • They are not suitable for real-time applications as they require the entire dataset to be stored in memory.
Dec 15, 2023

Why am I getting 100% accuracy for random forest? ›

The training accuracy of a random forest is generally much higher (sometimes equal to 100%). However, a very high training accuracy in a random forest is normal and does not indicate that the random forest is overfitted.

Is random forest good for prediction? ›

The random forest has complex data visualization and accurate predictions, but the decision tree has simple visualization and less accurate predictions. The advantages of Random Forest are that it prevents overfitting and is more accurate in predictions.

How does random forest algorithm work with examples? ›

Example - Consider the following scenario: a dataset containing several fruits images. And the Random Forest Classifier is given this dataset. Each decision tree is given a subset of the dataset to work with. During the training phase, each decision tree generates a prediction result.

How do you use random forest for feature selection in Python? ›

Code Implementation of Feature Selection Using Random Forest Classifier
  1. Step 1: Import Necessary Libraries. ...
  2. Step 2: Generate Synthetic Dataset. ...
  3. Step 3: Separate Features and Target Variable. ...
  4. Step 5: Train Random Forest Classifier and Calculate Initial Accuracy. ...
  5. Step 6: Get and Visualize Feature Importances.
Jun 11, 2024

How do you prepare data for a random forest? ›

Prior to training a random forest, you must prepare your data. This involves cleaning, transforming, and encoding the data for the algorithm. Common data preparation steps include handling missing values, encoding categorical variables, scaling numerical variables, and reducing dimensionality.

When to use random forest? ›

Random Forest is used for both classification and regression—for example, classifying whether an email is “spam” or “not spam” Random Forest is used across many different industries, including banking, retail, and healthcare, to name just a few!

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