ii HomM Poff CONTE MPORY Jjifl Ploi 3ril in WAIiKOUT iMiDemoRt. livlna room iHnini room, all alrotiie twilt in kitchen Oak rarport See thta near new home todev New area. Owner tranaferred, ftT.ik». JUST LISTED While IH atot-y colonial 3 large hed poaaibie 3rd. Newly car room.
Oinina room living kitchen. Double ga- raae, I2ih fc Van Dorn. $12,500. lume loan WO month. W.
F. STEELE CO. Off OR 7 3039 Veatecka OA 3-SW4 OA 3-5M1 Steele OA 1 CONTRACT Sacred Heart Area down. MS per month, no loan bungalow, full basem*nt, carpeted living and din- mg room, aincte detached garage Oniet at reef Immediate UNI PLACE oedroom ranch type frame home, years old, in racellent condition. that much wanted riaim, ull basem*nt with a foot lot A real ntee famitv home, and you can aatume loan MonthLv are W7 84 $.3.100 down Culhcrt.son.
Koo Bell Ine. Heallv Firm 115 No nth Hornet For Solo 82 FAMILY HOME 3 with livlneroom, big dining room, RRAt, kitrtven, full ment, regular gaa heat high, overlfadilna Antelope Park Sbeaff IN 427.5 or IV 8 2302 (office). 27c HARRINGTON'S Inc. ly 8 7302 4705 Van Dorn Good 3 bedrfKtm home at .5320 Francia Owner out of town, anxioua to well Large kitchen, vlded (JartMtrt We think will buy It ANmt down. FHA, Ac IN 6-1179 PAVELKA REALTY rt4(' 4mh MERRY CHRISTMAS May voii receive the full mcmtng and )oy of thia ('hriatmaa Holiday.
Culbertson, Roe Bell Sc HF, 2 2781 Ted 1N6 IV u.v,3 It 7 6.18« Hunter IV 8 fiill IN CHRISTMAS SPECIALS DICK KIMBALL HOLIDAY GRKFTINr.S PARK MANOR I TH 3844 30. etory 3 hedrtMHn brick, priced to sell 2. 3808 X.SHl.NGTON 2 bi'drwma, large kitchen, knotty cedar fa mil for FHA appralsa lt)jO down Price reduced for Sale ,1 hf'drooma. 2 living room familv room and km hen with automatic CiKik enter Oiitrallv air conditioned. Attached garaye Trulv a home id distinction Fall to see SKVLINF DR Immediate I bedroom home, full Reduced for quick 4 1820 FA.sr MANOR DH 3 bed room brick, wonderful buy, HOL.MFS St H(MH, DLSTRICT Co loma! Plan 4 hedrnoms.
IMi tiled baths, den, 2 fireplaces, DR Lovely 3 and beautiful yard niiin.v extras, priced 4 nr.DROOM in imk I Bros (Tub addition. Hna air conditiimmg 3 fire iJacea, baths, den, living room dining room This nice See it 2 vear old 2 bedromn nrick Large kitchen with eating apace Full hawment level lot Be sure to see this one. 6 FA.STflOROLGH All NO possess.nn 3 bedroom home Ijirge GI loan can be assumed FRF. CALL lohn Wright IN 6 4248 Mrs. Houghlby IV Wilson IN 6 5 and 3 baths In this UlNKi FV FiFAT TV l.vr-e.
family type Colonial near 24th 1 and Thia older home has 11551 No Cotner IN 6 27c been complctelv mfHlcrnired throuuh II Has new kitchen, new Jtol hot air heat am! central air Right for a small familv or for in rondmoning decornfing In come Living room, dining room. 1 excellent condition Kxtia kit for chil bedroom and kitchim on first floor, fjrcn to play, or could be sold bc-dnmm in basem*nt New ga- diiplex lot Call today. rage Lot duplex zoned. 2915 North BRIt'K 2 9 year $4000 old with attached garage, fireplaces. dining room and family niom u27 North 9th Dandy kitchen and are all large lads of built ins Base b.ith Goml or for Income, ment has separate entrance and is; Toared for apt.
Located south of ridUClh an Ikirn List new .3 bedroom home with carport Full divided basem*nt, COZY Clean 2 bedroom bungalow lo- kitchen. with kikh I rated ea.st on nice lot on So 52nd 29c New gas furnace. Priced at onlv DPAI XV ineludine washer, drver, stove and refrigerator. IN 6-H79 ID 4 3001 Country (Tub 2 huge bed I IL i.iiiAi'iti vtfUTurv luii. nuKP npa-i rooms dming rcMim Modem davs are sort of huilt kitchen Wonderful hasemimf welcome development possibitities Attached double garage 2c iV 6 8667 28c Sheridan A 3 6.181 Kinfib.ill A 3 6124 Mever A 1 22.14 Hubka 3 8221 Immediate Possession bedrfHtm Suburbanite ne.ir Meadow Lane and jDecoration.s are imniacul.ite Stove.
DICK KIMBALL p7 So LI RK ALTDRS HF. 2-7606 Assume large 4L DOROTHY HOBBS Country Club Location RK.ALTV' HK bednMim brick, large living room, idining room, kitchen with Hotpoint For 1 JUST lilSTED Thig clean family home ia well worth the money. 3 big bedroomi up plug aleeplng porch, large ckisets through out. Beautiful klU'hen, has lots built ina and a breakfa.st Regu lar dining room, full basem*nt with newer gaa furnace. Attached garage Only 4 blocks to Heart.
Call today for appointment to see this gfKid buy Priced right at BUH.DING SITK lot. Northeast corner of 4 Leighton, srea of new Paving lixratluo. Only Mrs Garvey IV 8 4535 Whitlemore HF, 5 5729 WlinTKMORK RF.AL K.STATK 83 For 82 4 omti For Solo 82 fifofe Wonted TOP VALUES 83i 27. 26c LOOK! LOOK! BKDHtMiMS lyively high Randolph Millard I.efler lo ration CARPKTFD. garage Just down AS SFMKS in.m at per month Jsmes IV 8 4871 (home) or IV 8-2302 (office).
27c ARRINGTON'S Inc. IV 8 2.102 470.1 Vail Near Hillside 3 bedrooms. 1 Dining room. tight oak finish Walkout basem*n furnace 5o r.c LDVS HKALTY C.R 7 3477 NEW 2 4 3 bedroom air-conditioned homes on lous Iota ARK PARK MA.NDR area EVANS EVANS 'Builders of Better Homes' Rob IV 8-4332 EOURPLEXK? -23c 4C SELECT OMES 1, FA.STMONT If you are looking for lop quality new large fam iJv home, this is one voii should see This modrrn home has tiist tieen and has near 1800 JKi ft of livable area. Reudes 3 large heilroiur.s ami 2 this home has a luxurv sized familv with sliding glass and living riwim Double fireplaces A large r.K.
iiurnini lane living rmim Ikiuble ng fireplaces itfHihle finished garage and ail cahmets in a fine modern kitrhen Thls home atso aplit shake nxK And is In one of LIncnIn's mccst new localions. Pnre S.lfl.fgW. Dt PLFX This large hrirk du with (Ptuhle attachi'd garage lust been compieteti in a line Country Club Im al.oi loin unifs are (arge 2 with 1. IRVI.NG DIST. Attractive 3 bednvtm frame bungs low.
living nn.m with fireplace. dining tiled bath. atllc for storage spate Partially completed' roini: in basem*n! with full hath i Garage Price Will consider eonff act. 2. (Tiarming 5 neim bungalow, com-1 bination living and dining al i cove.
2 bedrooms with large tiovet space, third hetlriMim or den off llv-i ing room, kit'-hen. hath Newly ieco-; raled New 'wooi carpeting ariiort. Ideal for couple F-xcellenl invest riP'ot for home or rental unit Price' 17750, TRIPLEX Near olleije View Gtiod 1 1 room apt on first fnwir with fire HAVE BtlYFR with 1.3 e.vsh wf wants to assume losn on 3 4 bed room. llj.flOd to OOP JOli.N.SON-.SCHAEER GR7 151 Auto For PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? ano star itn Newt will psv off your old rar. you essh diffeence for your equltv and reduce yoiit monthlv Ford engine V8 A rnnrlilion invr-iled Best offer takes Rirfierj ivettrick.
cresco 3627. 26 BEN'S Auto Ports Engine Rebuilding on a che car liki NEWT COPPLE MOTORS 101 500 No 48 IN 1046 Randolph Olds Closi'd Weekend Open Monday Dec 28 28c Save 1957 Mercury Monterey 4 door Power brakes, push button radio, heater, new hatleey Fxcdlent Iition 2202 Washington GA 3 7887 Timiml 27 STATE CAR SALE Iinpiii ffn III i flAiffir Illf place, full bedrfwim.s’ and bafh 2 one bcdriH.m apts on a JlUf ItTN with private baths Some ear Free parkina tic separate ufilitii ami also fes i wlndow air 2020 0 ST. tures lame and dmingHnrluded mer per areas Thii unii wmild make a 5" fine home and ineome or invest ffer. without hord Gear and meni Price and up Ketidsen IV 9 1861 rear end IV 9 2070 7701 A 27 .1, i.mtl. 1.
CASINO HFIGlITS A newlv Mrsllidfman MF5166 ivtPfiHT l'vri romnk'ted laige .1 bnek A ,1 with large fiving. kitehen. at AUles A 3-4091 1 i taihed l'srage and full TIF9RA(lA AustinUealy. Austin and basem*nt For orly Sinua also bave in same area wv i lOWfNi KA XA I I PQ eral other ntcc bruk hornos start- (Vt, SKRVH.F Hnick lloadmaster 4 door wc owner sharinrsl In town priced tor quick sale all Bill fittcringlon at Mowbray Motors IN 6 6714 or IN lc Mercury Hardtop WIt.KlNSDN Al TD HALF.S 4 HF 2 8561 loe 1031 MISLE'S USED TRUCKS 104 kord Hanrh with overdrive Very nun I new plus 2 mud and snow 2310 No 67 28 1911 hevrolet new motor, new brakes, new seat covers (Mn he seen at 2i42 No Coiner Skelly st.ition 1951 De.Sofo tub gfSKt dition, automatic, 2912 No -29 19.8) Rambler station Heist Weilnesday am A 1 6.V18 i(i 19.V) hevy hardtop healer Mechanically gorwl A .1 GR7-4127Thc cars he, consider Fui! rare '52 K-ilsw engine with KV SPBlpd blfls at IV 8 1187 '47 2 dfxir radio, heater, Make Offer. .1, 27 '57 ('hevTotet rati forward, long wheel hase.
8-28 lires. omplete with Omaha standard IS ft tKsly. '57 fnternational ton thtnX wheel base Fbevrolet O', top f.ong wheel a Like new, low mileage, gfxsl rmtiddoin '54 Chevrolet 2 ton long whierl base. 2.5 tires. (hevrolet I'j long wheel base With used fine 13 ft borfv '1 kord 1 ton dual wheels, loads.
lights. )3 I Ion dual wheels, loaier inlcrnational t-m with van body hevrolet i-t ton pickup, ton pickup. 3 ton. overdrive. DUPLEXES 3 BEDR()()M HOMES WAYNE PRICE CO.
3700 48 IN 3lC QUALITY NEW fiOMK.S he 2-3613 2c BLLMO.NT TRUt ri()N CO betlroom briek, bv buildcTs IN 6-1298. IN 6 j749 after 3pm. .1 NEW AG DISTRICT with bedroom brick with garage has striking be.vuty basem*nt rec room The i.n will add to your joy of ownership, A.vk us to Bergquist Real Estate 3U7 Res IV 8 1672 noktheast pershing 2 3rd un- rhis pretty home has a large kitchen, full ba.wment and KA.SY TKRM.S! Call HARRINGTON'S Inc. 4705 van OPEN 2-5 2760 .14 Lri bedroom garage OPEN SUNT)AY 3-5 2.320 I) ST. ing at These hornea an be nurchased at low down pav ment FHA 4.
AG COLI.kifik’, Rere is hrand new hrii 2 tiedroom with ovei sq ft Laree livine attai hcd garage Pnce Me also have under a large 3 tiednwm hrick fin 5. S( MU. This heautiful .1 bednaim home sifuated in an excellent at.on. near l.igs) sq. ft Extra k.liten.
down FHA Me woold he glad to trade on this fine home Me alvo have in the aiea ne.irin compietion 6 NKAR NDH'IHKAST Me liave kX)R Ql RF.SULTS LIST MITH rs 28c Pep Smt'm's Motor ity 1724 16e Room 1,117 State spitol Building Bid bla'iKv mav he weured oftii-e up until dale of CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Only Fng PACKARD AND fmdtF.R AKF.R i (81 l'c ord Tuflor- 6 cylinder n. (dunirv Sedin. evi H.ARTSi 11 MOTOR (.0 7e 1137 fmd Tudnr. 6 cylinder li 19 0 Fhcvrrilet 2 cvlindiT Foreifn 8, this! 4 St HULZ 16th 4 Import Car (enter TKH SI NBEAM MILI.MAN 2c Volkswagen Karman Ghia sporu coupe Factory delivered 2i ''8 hi'VToiets 7 d'sir. 6 cylinder nmles km best nf 21 Chevroiet iiKf.
iiniv oqi, 'ixiernatioiMl top, 4 speed overloads. 27c MISLE CHEVROLET adii 2 1958 Highway Open 'til 9pvf USED TRUCKS ll with written warranty uarameed service work. Mo etc. 102 PARK MANOR EAST- Beautiful vtone rench 3 bed- rcsim Very deluxe in every way Fireplace, builtin oven, 4 drapes. You will like thu.
St.ice IN 6-6725 Kolthaus Ar-el, A service I 73.11 Til a ver rntimnh. Yamaha accessories Hurltiut, Bikes, trikes new used Buv re 2526 Hf: 7530, 18 huild Fraziers, (1) 19 hevrolet 4 door. 6 cylimler (D lnternation.il jT, 6 cvlinder (1) 1942 De'-ioto 6 27 Tep Qualitv 1 Car at VAX PONTIAt AlBId AC under and can huild fohnson A 1 4101 Houdek fer. IV 8 1712 for information FIAT FITS not iiit Vour PiK'ket Rook Up To 60 Mile, Per Gal Prices Begin At S1227 LUTGEN CENTER HE 5 6862 DU TEAU CHEVROLET CO. 1700 BI ik on St HF.
16 ft, foidown truck hsKly. i C. Minkle, P.f krel), P.V) 1 hevrnlet pkkup. Ckmiiil cimfl tnm IV 29 Ford ton panel truck, Giwal eondilion A i 4.195 51 ton pickup, 4 wheel drive Goul condition. GR 5 1 1.50 I ton with or without inT viil.iied van bisly Farmer's Eggs.
.54,5 5 L.V», 20 in hoy hike Good condition ,7,1, Vai vi 29-36 Garfield after 6pm 2 Lambretta Three to suit you this northeast r.omberger IN 6 937 fii; 2-2261 100 5.1.50 917I CnL.in'"m.upe "jVrnal Star Bin 175' '58 Vfdkswaeen Sedan Sold area, a iri-level brii with Bartlett HE 2.108.5 Venner A 3 4431 74 Indian (Tilef. UM5 Good ahape servieed bv Sharo car 08 BARTLETT lI- Vlolor imports EiS, SCHUMACHER VENNER CO Bun 195.5 Like new enturv 4. door hardtop Power Radio, heat- I er IV B-687'. 27 Buick Riviera coupe RAH GK 7 .87 YOU CAN-Save To Pay Car Taxes a go andthis is it 2 one down Price. gocKl FHA financing.
Will take model trade in MT!) fi 19,54 Ford A uvfom ved.vn Trade down tiwiaw 11 Kad.o heater overdrive stick shift ood'ei, 104 7. NOkCrHF. AS I An exi elli nt buv in a 2 year old bedroom fratin with full bavcmenf it hf mj dimp. FHA 'hif! Snow tires 8. CLOSE IN if vou are looking like to trade house south for 'cn tvi iKKi buy tn older xtorv Inorth HE 2 6115 27 Caflillar 19.57 like new 52 .595 Ll( CnSO I latCS 2 REAL BUYS 4 hedrooms gas radill.5c 1956 coupe.
19,.5 4 door 5oO choice 2775 ik-oU Ave 2 bedroom 220 gas he.it New garage Hade Hariio heater all equipped nire car Nort 5 7c I.N (1-, 5 pRVIDPnt Sr AR FtF.AI, ATE CO IIF, 2 2429 Ford 1958 Fairlane. lAidor. V8. 2. Theobald HE 5-7862 Milson GA 3 5920 Fordomatic Oniy 2239 So 50 '8 Monterey hardtop.
MACK fjMC nowv bcater Meriomatir. Service tn Pontbic 'W New nvlon and SomC MonuV DIESEL 17c trade your for a home and r8 per month will buy this .5 hatterv eov 19.56 Chev V8 sl.ition wagon 4 door I KINSEY TRUCK CO. North Mth tion 51,400 GAI 7890 5 them. 1211 Belmont. HR 5-6437.
3t DAirpIUNE 2 1955 MG convertible roadster vnlh i wire condition Alwavs the iunk cars our 1731 ST.ANDARD MOTOR AuthoHzed Franchised Dealer wanted. PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? at Mowbray TRAD If present home is too small or toll old we would lie happy to -No Down Pavment ,27 thev deluxe 210 wdan IN .62 9 USED TRUCKS .5 Radio heater Mercomatic. a tieaulj tors. 42! North A good soppl clean older modela See Beforw Sell our Uar Pay Top Prlcea 17th 4 We Pay Top Prlcea DfRROWN IE MOTI vour choice from our manv listings vear old 2 bedroom frame bungalow or home stnjctioo or that we have under eon Oak furnace fneulated So 17 2-4721 Radio heater real nice 1810 Cornhusker -Save Some Money 1957 Ford V8 Custom tudor Radio heater overdrive stiek shift down FH.X OFFICE HE MRS TYRRELL GA 38210 BILL BECKM AN IV 8-46D8 ALT HIJKIMFIELD A 3 2554 VIRGIL BECKM AN HK 2-5837 very clean. 823 So 17 HE 2-4721 walls and eellfnp Full lot 5 '53 S195 to school Ray Stolpe at 500 street or 135 South 9th 5c A3 8W Stanley Drahant IN 6 6987.
IN 6 176ii "Ivmooth 52. rraohrook. 0 nmltv TN A i(W 4 engine only 12.000 Somo Monev Realty IN bl.nu priced 1957 Chev V8 Bel Air 2 bedrtKim oider frame home Base oi 8pm 31 Radio heater Powerglide tutone ment Garage Prescott School black 19.57 ChevToIet V8 A 1 4098 31 with straight stick, radio, heater. iTgtorv 4 bedroom. IW IV 8 7785.
5 SALES 1630 O- South eaut Near tchools buses GA 3-89S8 27' TOP DOLLAR at the TOP HAT. Sell Ua Your Used Car le HE A A. WO $7.30 DOWN COMPANY 1109 Fed See AT PLATZ MOTORS CHOICF OF rvRS From $9.3 PLATZ MOTORS Lot 1630 BUY NOW. S.W’E $2.30 27c Chevrolet Impala convertible Power steering, power brakes All the essentials. GR 7-1464 after 6pm weekniahts.
oi Sunday Mill take trade -28 1960 CHEVROLETS FOR 1HK BEST DF.Af, and Immediate Diiivery Lincoln High lean and attractive, nice mg room. gfsKt furnace, full lot. The this home will surprise you. Vacant Buy on contract 3 bedroom SOUTHEAST i on No Immediate powevsion vm per nion'h on this near new cozy beftriHim with upetcd living room Aluminum lomhination storms and Gas 7 8 .100. lYidor.
ra Vtim L' (niFVHOl F'P heat Onlv 950 heater forrtomatic, Thunderhird I I motor l.ow green 4949 St. IV 8-2327 'Beals A 3 2986 Hoffman IV 8 ''r? Beduced from 2 Ofl.r, HK Air. Classified Display riasalfled Display EAUS 1624 Over 35 vear.s of fair dealing Low unrt on main floor. 2 beilriKim unit on second, extra large lot Income Should be Near 27 I IVlTTJI Itnjui, IVIIVIII-II wivn iioipoini izl I jhuilt in Stove and oven and plenty of story fmme near Sacred Miih the much wanted ,1 bedriiom bum kitchen with ished rec room. 2 car attached galore Newer ga.s furnace rage Extra quality construcliiwi.
4 attached garage $92.50 1 a IPV I 'rV' IX' Altraciii ne ar 3) A A 3 beilriK.ni home, fun: ALLEN IV 8-2347 condition, ii.arage This is an ex 1 Hill Lambert IN 6-0588 idiJni very Memts HE TO 5 Member 27 mile.nge. I.N 0426 -29; Brand new 1 bedioom and frame, large eating area, delightful, kitchen with built-in and KP3ilV lIiC. Buying a car' one' See onlv Uhevy Im.pala eoupe Th.Thsrt»: apt. it 2U a few of the outstanding 4820 In the cRy 10c KREMER Wonfed 83 Rlvd IN6T901 ITOO ri van winkle IV 8 2662 IV 4(109 IV 8 4189 IN 6 1235 About your home, Multiple Listing MembiT ton valuation costs you rVO fWI need livtines Put von CAR OR CzUN n. m.m.
IV 9 3279 3t Ford Fairlane 4 dixir aedan Radio heater white walls tinted IN 6-9231 after 5 0 Will trade OVER 3 YEARS ill.TSfl for this dandy. I oimi I to dkvwntown. Tight on the twis line Ixwer unit living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, hath and kittdien: upper has living dining room. 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Full basem*nt, new furnace monthly.
Frank Harringtnn IV 8-2302 (office) IV 8-4878 (home). 27c HARRINGTON'S Inc. Van Dorn DUPLEX Total taccMne is per month on this clean duplex in the Hartley district Or it as home and income. see it today! BUY ON CONTRACT VYith down balance rent .1 bedroom frame close to ring School. New furnace 220 wiring.
Immediate possesson. COZY BUNGALOW Close to Sheridan School. 2 bedrooima Dluj plus third in ha.vement. Fireplace. Carpeting Clean as a pin and priced at only $12,900.
LEE A. OW, Realtor 1223 HE HE 2-8216 MeJer IV 8-lTM Granat.v A 3 6957 Lee t)w IV 8-6477 "Our PLNK TREE Sign is YOI tr ign to friendly, courteous real estate service colored $300 dow on NEAR SOUTHEAST School New CNiaotm built and exqui- decorated Mahogany paneled living room with wall fireplace. Open dining area. I Itra modern kitchen with built-in oven, dishwasher A disposal, 2 on 1st floor, one of which is paneled Walkout lower level with paneled rec. room with bar and 2nd fireplace PLUS 2 more bedrooms and 2nd tile bath Carpeted draped.
Air- conltioned. garage. 135.000. CONTEMPORARY brick and bedroom Park Manor DRK.AM home. 'The slate entiT and center hall gives convenient access to every part of the house.
The carpeted living room has a wood-burning Lre- palace and beamed studio ceiling. One of the bedrooms is exDa large with a folding door to make separate adjoining rooms Ceramic bath with double lavatories and enclosed has everything Built-in stove, oven, refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer A family room adjoins the kitchen Price IV OPEN 17.30 SO. 47 BRICK with sue (iming room, roc room iCbTe drapes IV "Sob't 27 28c I 1 EASTR1IX7K 1 veai old .3 Ix riroom home with Central Plan Kxcellt'nt n.eco- Full (livuied nv'iit. Harry a A J-8289 OPEN 2-5 5901 Franklin This 3 bedroom brick home in Park Manor is in beautiful condition and well worth seeing. Has full daylight basem*nt, central air conditioning, double f.f/Sf- Insurance execu- iih Si: transferred and GEM contemporary design.
immediate poS- Countryside SWEENEY- 17th furnar'e. painfe'd inside and, rontrac; Preferahlv one xfiT out Owner transferred out state I bednxim units J.nirna! Star Box 169 fX)DGE ('HRV61 ER G.A DeBrowii a ALL CASH-ANY LOCATION Will lease back, or for top price list with IS Multiple Listing and tioneering liquidators IV 8 2357 2Sc The Don Co. 19c HEADQUARTERS FOR" imperial Auto Sales 'e QR 7-3777 Ford Fairlane. Radio, heater. Rca.sonahle.
See 2239 So 31 ALL CARS SOLD 19,34 rhry.sler New Yorker Deluxe, power steering it brakes, new tires, (inted glass Like new. 720 So 33 HF: 5 4996 28 WITH A WRITTEN WARRANTY 4 lasslfled lasslfied Display $26.500 2 F.lKiE OF Pir.DMON’T-2 iKHlroom Stone belt line home with all electric kitchen. This house has so many extras In- A MUST to see Dick Miller 1V8-6123. 3 -2923 SOUTH 48TH-2 bedroom Brick with attached garage. Living with dining L.
Rec room and 3rd bedroom in hisem*nt. Assume preg- loan. Nettie Carter IV 8 73M. 4 CASINO bedroom Stone home with large living, dming ixvim combination. loan may be assumed.
ELsie Johnson IV 8-5155 AUSTIN-SMITH REALTY CO. South St. IV 8 2363 Multiple Listing 27c GALE SMITH OFFERS 2840 St. la good repair. upstairs renting for 5 rooms and bath down with 2 full garage.
Unbelievable price of 5251 Cooper which includes 5 bedrooms. living dming room, newly remodeled kitchen and bath Full ba.sem*nt, new furnace (HeatevD workshop and double garage. I IF-DMONT The Park like grounds give a perfect for this provincial brick home with a brick fence to m.sure jour privacy. Spacious living with fireplace. Library with beamed ceiling, flagstone floor and fireplace i.arge dining riHim with French door that opens to a gracious patio that brings the outdoors in.
Familv room and guest room on 1st floor. 3 bedrooms plus master bedroom suite up. each bedroom having an outside balcony. 4 baths Centrally air-conditioned. Priced far below constructkni costs at 4 BEDROOMS 2 down, 2 up.
New electric kitchen Dining room, good decor, basem*nt garaee $13.2.50, Holy Family. area Call Frank Schamp IV 8-1506 HE 2-1084 BRYSON STREET Fascinating 2 bed mom with attached garage, in Ifjcation. dining rec room, air-conditioned, patio and more. Here's quality, charm and comfort. New listing.
$20.500, Call Art Braun HE 2-1084 IV R-0219 CORRAL And stable, deluxe 2 bedroom stone rancho, Rec room with kitchenette, spacious grounds, southeast it Call John Glynn G.A HE 2-1084 FAMILY ROOM Plus 4 bedrooms. 1 full, 2idi baths. Big kitchen, dining room. 2 car attached garage in thi.s level home Plenty of room for evervone. llolv I.iniilv and area $21,950.
ad M.rrill Burnett HE2-lt'tVl HE 2-1084. CASH FOR YOim EQUITY Call us if vou're moving, selling thinking of building. We're at vour serv ice 30c ID 4-2916 GR 7-3314 IN 6-1130 HE 5-8706 IV 8-6980 HF! 2 3634 THE PORTSCHE CO MLS, Traders Inc. 640 No 48 IN 6-1924 IF VOU HAVE A HOUSE FOR SALE READ THIS You need our help to determlns The right selling price We do not charge for this service rhevrolet Bel Air sedan S1T95 Dodge hardtop '54 Mercurv 2-door, siiarp Plymouth F'ury, hardtop, full power I2S9.5 .59 Plymouth t'tistom Suhurbnn Chrysler AViiiflsor sedan, ratllo heiiter $129.5 UJigvcolet Bel Air club coupe, radio heater .59,5 Plymouth ciuh Coiute. V-8, pushbutton shflt $1295 F'lreiiUe Sedan Full power, air conditioning.
Pontiac 4-dfior re.il sharp 2-Door ''9 Uydramatlc, radio heater Chevrolet 4-Door St.afion Wagon 56 Fiiffl fpHan. owner '53 4-door, full power $3195 S95 St 495 $1295 695 You can get this free service bank rate financing 1817 St. MOTORS CO. Open Evenings BY CALLING HE 5-2932 LOOMIS JOHNSON HE 2-7555 29c Ac HOLID.AY HOME fam- and friends will enjoy gathering around the table in the large dining room of this spacious Stone home. Over 2.000 sq ft.
of floor space, completely carpeted. Living room with wood- hurning fireplace, modern family sized kitchen and 3 extra large Iiedrooms Knotty pine recreation room with fireplace. Util- tiy room and bath in the ba.sem*nt. Close to Millard Lefler and Holmes Schools, Price $28,500. STONE DUPLEX Located south on a profe.ssion- ally lot with manv flowers and tall trees This quality built 2 bedroom one story duplex witn full basem*nt- and built-in (2) garage Priced under $30,000 utilities are completely separated.
Quiet country jiving is yours 1595 West South St. 8 rooms. 1A4 baths, 3 long living room with fireplace, full basem*nt, attached garage, barn, chicken house and double garage. Lot size 80x300. The price is ifhbelievable for a 12 year old stone home.
GARLAND. NEB. 6 room home being remodeled. This price includes much of the materia! for the remodeling. lots.
Total taxes less than Priced for quick sale. Call HE 2-6256. HE 2-6277 or IV 8-7462 GALE W. SMITH tai So, 29 HEJ-8256 MLS Realtor 27c I'S the convenience handv Jdiopping. St right on the bus line.
this is what you've been looking for but not and see TODAY. COLONIAL Vn.LAGE Jl'ST LI.STFID this charming 3 bedroom stone Rancho on Plymouth Ave. Tastefully decorated, family sized kitchen with eating space, beautifully carpeted thruout, drapes Included Recreation room, nicely landscaped, and fenced yard Garage. Owner transferred Pri rt for quick sale at $19.500. To see call Cotner IV 9-3833 OPEN 3-5 4240 BURKE CO.
If want to sell your real estate list It with an old reliable company No charge for inspeciion Call Clin german Co HF'. 2-6428 15 six GOOD REA.SO.NS 13th A I. Healtius HE 2-1084 "TO HELP YOU Any location, anv price Call HAROLD CLOSE MLE IV 14c WHY ME CAN SELL VOIR PROPERTY We have the sales force We have the advertising 2 bedroom attaiched months to your house? basem*nt apartment. promptly. Call F'orke Bros.
5Ve have the experience We have YIUlUpie Listmg naaement apartment $14950 promptly. Cal For man IV 8-0416. Auftione-r, HE 2-1045 22c Action Realty Inc. OPPORTUNITY INCOME PLUS HOME with in- should rent for $80 Both properties must be bought to-Approximately will rSil'prSi' CaU HE 2-6277-IV 8 7462 GALE W. SMITH 221 So 29 Office HE 2-6256 MLS Realtor 30c THE HOUSE THAT WILL SAVE YOU STEPS MONEY 10,800 A II HOMEBUILDERS RENTzVL INVESTMENT Hiildrege.
4 bedrooms. 2 up DIAL IN 6-1933 27c Gene IN 6 6961 Maurice GA 3-3473 I'rade in your older home on a Varg- rr NEW WILTON E. SMITH. 3912 South IV 8-2363 26c WILL BUY YOUR EQUITY and a.s.sume vour mortgage Butler Realtv IN 6-1994 15c WITT JUCKETTE Kxtra large, convenient kitchen. New! IV 8 4621 Construction Co.
IV S-0753 basem*nt and furnace. CASH TALKS 14c offer 28c Allied Realty HE 5-2955 Burley GA 3-6833 Dunbar IN 6-4886 Hanley IV Stockland IN 6-1944 RR ST. DISTRICT I DEVOE GA 3-4223 STU ART GOLDBERG GA 3-6985 BREHA HEIZENRADER GA 3-8093 GLENN CEKAL GR 7-2967 29 "LIST YOUR HOME WTTH A HE 5-2932 English 'Tudor brick. Spa- kitchen, breakfast nook. baths.
2 fireplaces. Knotty pine recreation Carpeting. 90-ft appointpient WITHERBEE 3 bedroom Ranch type home, with air conditioning, carpeting throughout, separate living and dining room.s. attached garage. On a corner lot Thl.s original Peterson pilot home is a BFIAUTIFTX home for YOU.
Call F. E. Sheaff IN 6-4275 (home) or IV 8-2302 (office). 27c ARRINGTON'S Inc. 2 8-2302 4705 Van Dorn Displav Classified Displav Loomis (j Johnson 14th St Lilting Realtor ClASkinetl OUplag MOTOR Gr TRANSMISSION OVERHAULS It will pay you to check our before you repair your cer.
Reasonable Pricea 1 -Day 8 to Free Wrecker 0 a No Money Down BO 0 or 11,000 'tt 24 Montha to Pay 28 United Motor Exchange DIAL. HE 2-4959 MISLE'S BEST BUYS '58 Plymouth Sport suburban station wagon V8, pushbutton drive. full power, very low mileage $2195 Ford V8, Ford- omatlc, radio, heater, new top F'ancy car. $1175 55 Chevrolet Hardtop Bel Air Powerglide. radio, he.ater, power brakes.
Exceptionally clean $1175 Chevrolet 6 passenger station wagon, overdrive, radio. heater, like new condition. $1990 Mercury 4-door hardtop phaeton. Mercomatlr. full power, air ing.
like new $1290 '55 Ford Tudor F'airlane Chevrolet 4-door Biscayne VS, Powerglide. radio, heater, EZI gla.ss, spotless condition. $1695 5b Chevrolet 4-door 6 cylinder standard shift, radio, heater, condition. $995 Ford F'ordor Fairlane 600 VS. radio.
heater, new white tires $1345 Oldsmobile kS 2-doftr, Ic, radio, heater. glass. A beautiful one owner car $1125 vs overdrive radio, heater, white walls $990 Hudson Hornet, fully Including factory air conditioning $590 Chevrolet 4-door standard shift, radio heater. $690 Oldsmobile Holiday coupe, fully equipped includ 1 A fine one owner car. $495 VYe have the prospects VYe work hard and get results LET'S TALK IT OVER TODAY! Loomis Johnson 14th A- Phone HE 2-2932 24c We have the buyers and need addi- tionaJ Usting.s.
List with a growing company Call WHITTEMORE REAL ESTATE HE 5-5729 2c 4 la.xsified Display Classified Display DeSoto-Plymouth 56 Chevrolet station Wagon, 4-Door, V-8 Powerglide, Radio, Healer, 2-Tone, $1345 54 Chevrolet (210 Serie.9) 2-Door erglide good condition. $595 '55 Ford (Cusiomline) 4-Door, V-8 motor. Overdrive Transmission, heater. $795 53 Buick (Special) Convertible, Dynaflow, Radio, Heater, Local car. $450 '55 Buick (Special) 4-Door Dyna- flow.
Radio, Heater, Clean and low mileage. $975 '53 Chevrolet (210 Series) 4-Door, erglide, Radio, Heater, 2- Tone finish. $495 OPKN EVF.Nl.N’GS OPEN SUNDAY.S 2-door Hardtop, Power, air conditioned, low mlle.s 349.6 PLVMOUTH 2-door V8 Hardtop Radio, heater. BUICK 4-door Super Hardtop, Power, one '57 DF: SOTO 4-door. Power, air conditioned, low .55 CHF.VROLF,T VH 4-door.
Automatic. One FORD 6 cylinder Tudor. Radio and heater ............................................495 '53 Sedan. Heater and snow tires 495 '49 PONTIAC 4 door. Standard transmission.
One 1.50 Gotfredson Motor Co. 4714 Prescott Colige View IV 8-2339 -30c '55 Chevrolet (Bel Air) 2-Door Hardtop V-8 Powerglide, Radio, Heater, 2-Tone. $1150 '52 Oldsmobile Convertible, Hydra- matic. Radio, Heater, runs very good. $275 WE DON'T TURN SPEEDOMETERS BACK.
NO TAXICABS, AUCTION, OR LEASE CARS. 1700 OPEN 8 A M. to 9 P.M. riasalfled Display TEL. no lasftified Display Classified DIspla) Classified Display Ciastlfied WHY PAY MORE7 YOU CAN SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS AT DEAN BROS.
CHECK THESE PRICES. '55 Pontiac 2-door Catalina sport coupe, radio, heater, Hy- dramatic, power steering and brakes. Many extras. '56 DeSoto 4-door Seville sport sedan, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes and tutone. '56 Chevrolet 210 2-door station wagon, radio, heater, straight transmission, tutone and white walls.
'55 Ford Tudor. Radio, heater. Fordo matic and white walls. Full price $895 Full price $1 195 Full price $1045 Full price $595 '59 Pontiac 4-door sport sedan, radio, heater, Hydramatic, V8, power brakes and air conditioning. Full price $2495 DEAN AUTO SALES YOU PAY NO SALES DIRECT FROM THE OWNERS.